Dallas Smoke Detectors & CO (Carbon Monoxide) Detectors

Your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors are critical to your family’s safety. Your Dallas home should have many smoke and CO detectors. There should be a smoke detector in every bedroom and one at the top of each stairwell in your house. The best place to have CO detectors are by sleeping areas but keep them at least 10 feet away from the stove to avoid any false alarms.

Have A Plan When Your Dallas Smoke Detector Or CO Monitor Sounds Off

When a smoke or CO detector goes off make sure to immediately leave your home and go outside. Call the fire department and only go back inside once they tell you it’s safe to do so. 

You Should Test Smoke Alarms

You should test your smoke alarms monthly and change the batteries annually to keep them operating correctly. You should replace your CO detectors every 5-7 years and replace your smoke detectors every 10 years.

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