New Wiring & Rewiring Services Dallas

A lot of the wiring inside of homes can be decades old and many newer homes are built with cheaper-grade wiring to reduce costs. This means that the wiring may not be able to handle the electrical demands of today’s products.

Outdated Wiring Upgrades Avoid Fire Hazards

Many house fires are caused by electrical problems. Rewiring can help prevent many of these problems.

These warning signs can let you know that it might be time to do some rewiring:

  • Circuit breakers frequently trip.
  • Aluminum wiring. This wiring can become loose and create a major fire risk.
  • Feeling a slight vibration, buzz, or shock when turning on appliances.
  • Flickering or dimming lights when running an appliance such as a vacuum.
  • Electrical outlets are loose
  • Your home is over 40 years old
  • Outlets give a burning smell

Schedule An Electrical Wiring Inspection

If you notice any of these signs in your home, or anything unusual, call a licensed electrician or schedule your appointment online. Make sure you fix these issues before they cause any damage to your family or your home.